Victorian House Antique Oil Painting with an enchanting Gilded Antique Frame
Victorian House Antique Oil Painting with an enchanting Gilded Antique Frame
An opportunity has arisen to acquire an authentic antique oil painting with a lovely gilded antique frame. The work has the artist’s signature. The image has many details and elements to observe and enjoy the view.
The painting looks fantastic on the wall and adds a lot of character to the room. However, its large size means more expensive and adds a touch to the room to create that lovely look and add value to the property.
The purchase is possible by collecting in person from Gainsborough Lincolnshire or hiring a van company. We are happy to assist you in recommending van companies that protect the painting until it gets to your home safely. The estimated cost for transport is £60 as an average price.
The payment is cash on collection day or requesting an invoice to pay through bank transfer. Please get in touch with +44(0) 7761-194240 for inquiries and to arrange the purchase.
The total price to pay for the painting is £300.
It is a highly recommended oil painting that will bring a lot more happiness than it will place while it is amicable and will match the surroundings.